Computer code
William H. White

Downloads & Résumé

Résumé: Mr. White's current curriculum vitae is available here:

Chapter 11 Papers: [PDF files] The following papers are the two that Mr. White wrote in 1990 about using the Black Scholes options pricing model to value the securities of companies in Chapter 11. These papers are the outgrowth of a term paper that Bill wrote for Professor Edward Altman in Prof. Altman's course Corporate Bankruptcy & Reorganization.

Strategy Reviews: [PDF files] The following three Strategy Reviews are not only good examples of Mr. White's writing skills, they also represent how he counseled the firm's clients during good, neutral, and adverse market conditions.

Code samples: Across all of Mr. White' code you will typically see the following features:

Samples of particular Excel projects Mr. White has written follow. (NOTE: Any and all proprietary information is and was in the related Excel spreadsheets themselves, and is, therefore, not available for review.):

Web site, including both design and contents, by William H. White is licensed

under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.